In this post, I’ll be reviewing my week and analyzing what went well and what didn’t in week 2.  It’s my intention not to let one sub-heading run into the others so each topic may be covered from different angles.  Below is my week 2 breakdown.

Where was my focus at this week:

I continued to focus on cooking at home, using my Cefaly daily, and doing 10-minute workouts.  If I did too much lifting or pushing or standing at work, I tried to do a workout that didn’t use the same body parts for those 10 minutes.

My meal plan was already destroyed for last week and I only restocked beef and noodles since the lasagna was a disaster.  Keep an eye out for my post later this month on the meals that I made.  I tried something new.

I refocused my energies at work as well.  I made time to practice making light color washes in watercolor as well.  I’m learning I do need to set the scope of my watercolor time as I’m still too new to it.

What were my stressors this week:

This week had more physical stressors than normal.  I’ve been reading a book on decorating and trying out the process.  It had me moving furniture, mostly the small furniture, around and I did it on top of a day that I was on my feet at work pretty much all day, so I ended up with 6k steps, and my legs hurt.

Then I joined the Take You House Back group for an All Day Declutter and while I didn’t get rid of as much, I was completing projects during this time.  Ended up with 4k steps, so now I’m paying the price with soreness and leg pain.

Due to all the extra exertion, I pushed my Emgality shot back 2 days.  I don’t know if this will have much of an impact…

Even though I kept making meals at home, I’ve had some negative reactions to a ham and cheese rollup and I’m thinking it was the ham’s fault but I’ve had more flushed skin than usual this week as well, so there might be more going on.

What were my wins this week:

I adapted a few days where my legs hurt to focus on arms or core using my Pilates Reformer as my 10-minute exercise.  I haven’t really figured out how to adapt yoga to focus on arms but I’d think core should be easy…maybe planks? 

I think I’ve also finally settled on what I’m doing in my living room for replacing my sofa.  It’s been an absolute pain to replace my sofa. I’ve posted before about moving furniture around. I’ve tried this sofa in every position and I’ve discovered that the attached chaise lounge is what is making it so difficult to get furniture into the shape I want.

I really hadn’t noticed how much I was cooking at home until I started writing my post for this week’s Meal Planning S4: Plan and Shop.  I looked back over the plan and even though I was completely off plan I was adapting and making old recipes and modifications.  I did have food delivered Sunday afternoon but not even during the All Day Declutter did I resort to delivery.

It also seems that I’ve figured out how to do color washes.

Set intentions for next week’s improvements:

I think I need to learn to deepen the colors.  Then I purchased some cheap acrylic paint to do the second assignment with, so I need to plan out my watercolor homework to move on to the apple painting next, I think.  Basically, I need to plan these practices out just a bit and schedule them more aggressively.  Sometimes I’ve shortchanged them by squeezing them in while cooking.

I think I’m going to focus my energies on stocking the freezer with key meals and a little less on what day I’m eating what thing.  Chicken is the only thing that really needs more than a day to thaw out and requires a lot of planning.  The steaks I can pull out the night before which is perfect.  Then if I just keep the supplies for sides, I should be okay, right?