This month is all about at-home workout spaces and these are my 5 favorite organizing products for home gyms!  It’s crazy that I’m even writing this as I’ve been glued to my computer and living a mostly sedentary life until about seven years ago.

I really got into fitness when I started experiencing issues with my autonomic nervous system after college.  I’ve always loved yoga and it’s one of the easiest workouts to do anywhere.  They even make travel mats now.  The method by which I work out changes fairly often and I’ve gone back and forth on the home gym vs gym membership many times.  However, this post isn’t about selecting what to keep or add to your gym, it’s about what products to organize with.

Below are my favorite organizing products for home gyms!

1. Pegboards

Organizing Products for Home Gyms - Pegboards

Hands down my favorite method.  Whether you’re into yoga, Pilates, or resistance training pegboards will serve you well!  If you don’t want your gym to stand out, you can paint them the color of your wall and buy hooks in a variety of colors.  They are also available for free in your neighborhood often.  This one was $10 on Facebook Marketplace and already spray-painted black!

It’s easy to put things away and easy to get them out.  Being visual is an added reminder to get your workout in, too!

2. TV mounts that tilt

5 Favorite Organizing Products for Home Gyms

TVs are super helpful.  They don’t need to be very big for a workout room and you can use your main television if you work out in the same room.  If you have any equipment such as a bike or treadmill, I highly recommend a tilt mount.  It’s not too likely that you need all the extra features but being able to tilt it to the right angle for the equipment is perfect!

3. Metal Displays with Inspirational Quotes

Racing metal and bib display

If you’ve ever worked out without a fitness goal, you know how easily distracted you can get.  Next thing you know you’re actually scrolling social media while your favorite YouTuber is on the television while walking on the treadmill!  It’s crazy how many things we can do at the same time, albeit poorly.

Having a lot of quotes is distracting and can even be stressful, but showcasing your inspiration or past achievements can help push you to focus and lock in when you most want to give up.  It’s a perfect place for those race metals or obstacle race photos!

4. Tension Rods or Corner Nets

Tension Rod Holding Body Ball

Normally, I wouldn’t recommend large clutter catchers like corner nets for stuffed animals or the like.  However, when you need to stash that oversized body ball somewhere, there’s nothing like dead space!  Utilize a deep closet space as I did with a tension rod, or the least utilized or accessible corner (take down a curtain rod if you need to), and stash those light Pilates or body balls in such dead spaces to keep you from tripping over these wondering obstacles!  Bungie cords can work too.

5. Small Baskets

They make pegboard baskets but sometimes we need somewhere to put small items such as clasps or remotes or things from our pockets.  Having a few baskets that can hold towels is helpful too!  Whatever small items that you might need, have a basket to contain them.  I used a cup to contain pens on my pegboard and drilled holes in it to mount it.  These containers don’t have to cost a lot.  They just need to be easy and accessible!

If you’re looking to organize your own home gym, check out our services page for more information and book a free consultation to discuss your project. LHL can help you out wherever you are with virtual consultation packages! To be notified of each blog release, please subscribe to the blog, and subscribe to the newsletter if you wish to receive updates on promotions, tips, and advice.