Meal Planning S4: Making Meals

New Year, new planning. If you’ve checked out my Meal Planning S4: Plan and Shop post, then you know I had intended on following a full menu meal plan with lunches and all. While this plan didn’t work out as I had intended, it did make cooking at home much...

Meal Planning S4: Plan and Shop

I typically do my meal planning and shopping close together.  This round I was coming back from being away on vacation and didn’t have as much of my typical pantry items.  I suppose this is because up till now I really didn’t need to replace...

Meal Planning S4: Cleanout Food Storage

This is definitely more than my fourth series of meal planning sessions, but I’ve been learning quite a bit with each time through the cycle.  I have found that I can batch meals that will last through the month which is why I’m only really doing the...

Meal Planning S3: Make Meals

This week doesn’t include any new meals.  The plan was to use up some of what was already in the freezer and prep a few meals to the freezer. How did the meal plan work: Overall, better.  I am so out of practice with checking the meal plan and...