Reduce Holiday Stress and Create Connection

Holidays can be stressful for many reasons.  When all we wanted was to be merry and bright, the last thing we need is to be stressed out through the holidays. This article includes some ideas to reduce stress and create connection this holiday. After I acquired a brain injury I’d found holidays would bring me to tears.  The larger the gathering the greater the crying.  I couldn’t understand it.  It was Christmas!  What I learned…

How to Winterize Habits like Your Home

The leaves fell off the trees, I began to oversleep, and stay up too late.  What does that mean?  It’s the beginning of the end!  Kidding…That hard shift into winter is rough on our good habits and best intentions.  So what can we do to winterize habits that we built in the summer with all that sunshine to help us out? Year after year I’ve plotted away at a New Year resolution with little to…

Overcoming Struggle – My Mindset

I was going to be a success story… I’d prepared my mindset for overcoming struggle. After all, the most interesting stories have conflict. I’d read many stories of overcoming obstacles or at least fighting the “good fight”. These are fascinating stories. Didn’t everyone love the story of triumph emphasized on Oprah? The Error of Relying on TV and Movies for Narrative I have started many journeys fully intending to struggle a bit. Anytime you learn…