Did I fail The Mins Game?

After several years of minimalism, I wanted to try The Mins Game.  I am suspicious that it would not be the right technique for me, but who knows?  I also really wanted to find out if this is a good game to build momentum and decluttering muscles. With this goal in mind, I set off to find a friend to challenge.  We didn’t end up putting any consequences to the game but we both find…

How to Organize a Side-by-Side Freezer

I’ve heard many people express what a nightmare it is to organize a side-by-side freezer.  However, it’s my favorite style.  Due to my food sensitivities, most of what I eat is kept in the freezer, so it must function very well.  I love my side-by-side freezer. The Problem with Organizing a Side-by-Side Freezer: Side-by-side freezers tend to let things slide out as there is nothing to keep bagged items in place.  Boxes can be stacked…

5 Strategies for Separating the Meaning from Your Sentimental Items

In a past blog post, I discussed the false promises of marketing, but in this post, I want to talk about how to go about separating the meaning from your sentimental items.  Believe it or not, they are similar.  We graft stories onto our items over time.  Sometimes, what we are actually attaching to the item is the idea of a story.

Decluttering for School Success: How an Organized Space Sets the Stage for Academic Triumph

In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why decluttering for school success is effective at impacting your productivity, focus, and overall well-being.